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  • 中投顧問


    European Open Source Telephony Market

    European Open Source Telephony Market

    This Frost & Sullivan research service titled European Open Source Telephony Market provides an in-depth analysis of the open source telephony market, covering market drivers, restraints, trends and forecasts. Cost Benefits Driving Adoption Open source telephony is gradually gainin...

    中文版全價RMB 7800¥9800立即訂購加入購物車
    Asia Pacific Managed Telephony Markets

    Asia Pacific Managed Telephony Markets

    This research service analyzes the Asia Pacific managed telephony market for the year 2006. The market is segmented into Centrex, IP Centrex and Hosted PBX and the Managed CPE based telephony market. Vendor market shares are provided for total managed telephony market.

    中文版全價RMB 7800¥9800立即訂購加入購物車
    World Tabletop Audio Conferencing Endpoint Markets

    World Tabletop Audio Conferencing Endpoint Markets

    This study discusses market trends, drivers and restraints in the world audio conferencing tabletop device markets. It provides a 2007 market size estimate and a revenue forecast as well as a competitive landscape analysis and a market share estimate.

    中文版全價RMB 7800¥9800立即訂購加入購物車
    World Next-Generation Mobile Software Market

    World Next-Generation Mobile Software Market

    This Frost & Sullivan research service titled World Next-Generation Mobile Software Market provides an overview of market size, share, and a forecast of the greater mobile software market along with drivers, restraints, and challenges as well as technology trends and strategies for all mobil...

    中文版全價RMB 7800¥9800立即訂購加入購物車
    World Installed Audio Conferencing Endpoint Markets

    World Installed Audio Conferencing Endpoint Markets

    This research service discusses drivers, restraints and current market and technology trends in the world installed audio conferencing endpoint market. It provides a market size estimate and unit, price and revenue forecasts. Further, it estimates 2007 vendor revenue market shares and provides s...

    中文版全價RMB 7800¥9800立即訂購加入購物車
    North American IT and Telecom Opportunities in the Network Video Surveillance Markets

    North American IT and Telecom Opportunities in the Network Video Surveillance Markets

    This deliverable will look at the emerging IP enabled Video Surveillance market covered by Frost & Sullivan' s Electronics & Security research domain. The thrust will not be so much a market analysis of the traditional security industry within which surveillance resides, but an analysis ...

    中文版全價RMB 7800¥9800立即訂購加入購物車
    North American IP Desktop Phone Markets

    North American IP Desktop Phone Markets

    This Frost & Sullivan research service titled North American IP Desktop Phone Markets provides an in-depth analysis of important characteristics of the North American IP desktop phone market. This analysis identifies market challenges, drivers and restraints that are shaping the future of th...

    中文版全價RMB 7800¥9800立即訂購加入購物車
    European Mobile Satellite TV Markets

    European Mobile Satellite TV Markets

    This Frost & Sullivan research service titled European Mobile Satellite TV Markets provides an overview of the Mobile TV market in general and the two solutions involving the satellite segments in particular. An analysis of market drivers and restraints and revenue forecasts are provided for eac...

    中文版全價RMB 7800¥9800立即訂購加入購物車
    World Videoconferencing Infrastructure Systems Market

    World Videoconferencing Infrastructure Systems Market

    Today businesses of all size are evaluating the impact of collaborative solutions on performance. While conferencing technologies have become the mainstay of several organizations, the convergence of these technologies with other enterprise communication tools is resulting in significant changes...

    中文版全價RMB 7800¥9800立即訂購加入購物車
    World Carrier Switch and Router Markets

    World Carrier Switch and Router Markets

    This Frost & Sullivan research service titled World Carrier Switch and Router Markets provides insights into the market share and revenues from 2005 to 2007 and the factors influencing the current growth in the market and the market segments that are contributing the most revenues to the tot...

    中文版全價RMB 7800¥9800立即訂購加入購物車


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